Prescription home delivery
The Provider Experience Report: A focus on home delivery
Study explains the perspectives on provider engagement with mail order pharmacies and their thoughts on ways to improve the prescription-filling experience with these services.
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Prescription home delivery
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Optum Home Delivery
6800 W 115th St., Ste. 600
Overland Park, KS 66211
ID: 1718634

- UnitedHealth Group 2023 analysis of 2022 commercial medical and pharmacy claims, uhg.com/research, Commercially Insured Individuals Achieve Greater Medication Adherence with Home Delivery 90-Day Prescriptions. January 23, 2024 Accessed March 15, 2024.
- Internal Optum analysis - Home delivery book of business dispensing accuracy rate 2024, 99.998%.
Medicare and non-Medicare patients are not required to use Optum Home Delivery Pharmacy for their 90/100-day supply of maintenance medication. There may be other home delivery options available to them. In some cases, the 100-day supply is available for MAPD plans, tier 1 preferred generics only Patient 100-day supply available for Medicare plan members in all states except Alaska. Does not apply to controlled substances or specialty medications. $0 copays may be restricted to preferred home delivery prescriptions during the initial coverage phase and may not apply during the coverage gap or catastrophic stage. Benefits vary by plan/area. Limitations and exclusions apply.